Monday, March 1, 2010

In My Mailbox Monday

This week I received one book for review:

Everlasting by Angie Frazier !!! release date June 1, 2010
Amazon and here's my WOW post with some more about it

and it's disappointing that no one's entering the contest I'm hosting to win bottles of the Dark Divine nail polish inspired by the color on the cover of the book: ENTER HERE

1 comment:

  1. It is kind of dissapointing that no ones entering your awesome contest. But I just did! I'll try to spread the word about it so you can get more entrants!

    This book looks really good and I adore the cover!


Book Trailer Friday [@RandomHouse @TransworldBooks]

Beth Dorey-Stein's From the Corner of the Oval  - a tale of being the White House stenographer during the Obama administration will be ...