Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Into the Dim ~ Janet B Taylor (earc) review [@Janet_B_Taylor @HMHKids]

Into the Dim (Into the Dim #1)
HMH Books for Young Readers
March 01, 2016
432 pages
add to Goodreads/buy from Book Depository/or Amazon

When fragile, sixteen-year-old Hope Walton loses her mom to an earthquake overseas, her secluded world crumbles. Agreeing to spend the summer in Scotland, Hope discovers that her mother was more than a brilliant academic, but also a member of a secret society of time travelers. Trapped in the twelfth century in the age of Eleanor of Aquitaine, Hope has seventy-two hours to rescue her mother and get back to their own time. Along the way, her path collides with that of a mysterious boy who could be vital to her mission . . . or the key to Hope’s undoing. Addictive, romantic, and rich with historical detail, Into the Dim is an Outlander for teens.
The whole 'secret society of time travelers' bit alone was enough to sell me on Into the Dim (okay, let's be honest 'time travelers' was enough) but then it was even better than I had hoped.

I liked that, though it's mentioned right there in the description, the book itself took some time to get to the society of time travelers and then it was a bit longer before Hope was actually in the twelfth century. Getting to know Hope, to see how her upbringing was different from most people's, how she's different from most people, really was a great way to start the book.

Then, when we get into the time travelling bit and the need to rescue her mother, we understand more of what's at stake for Hope. It also means that you (or at least I) feel proud of her when she accomplishes certain things or overcomes her phobias. She is a character that you really want to see everything work out for.

The time traveling in Into the Dim may be some of my favorite. There are rules and regulation, things they can and cannot do - and should and should not - there have been mistakes (some rather epic) and there is clear thought by the author into the 'how' of it all. (Plus the Doctor Who bit doesn't hurt.)

I liked that there was an element to one of the characters and/or their past that was hinted at to readers and not (really) the character. As it wasn't part of a mystery they were trying to uncover, I liked being that step ahead of them. It let me see certain developments and events in a new light.

The characters in Into the Dim are pretty awesome. From Hope to Penelope to Collum, Bran and some twelfth century ones, I think I love all of them. I loved that they had their own personalities, their own quirks and their own pasts and goals that played into what they did - and how they did it. Now that both readers and the other characters seem to know more about all of the main players, I am really looking forward to what develops in Book 2.

review copy received, via NetGalley, from publisher

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