Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday

This week's Ten:
Top 10 Books That Would Be On Your Syllabus If You Taught YA Audiobooks 101

 Eight of these are noes that I think are great examples of a book turned into an audio book - the narrator(s) are great, you're pulled even more into the story than if you read it, and/or some other factor. 

The last two of them are ones that did not work so well for me in audio form. With both of them it had to do with the narrators . . . . (I think examples of how not to do something should also be on a syllabus.)

 These Broken Stars
on Goodreads

(I love, love this series as audiobooks!)


The Sin Eater's Daughter

Doctor Who: Dead Air

The Night Circus

In the After

Daughter of Smoke and Bone
on Goodreads


Tumble & Fall

Please leave a comment and let me know your favorite or essential audiobook listens - or if there's one that just does not work (as it's done) as an audiobook!


  1. I never listen to audiobooks, but I can just imagine Cinder being fantastic. It's so traditionally a fairytale for as adventurous and sci-fi as it is...and fairytales are made to be TOLD! I think I should go check this out ASAP :D

    1. I do listen to a lot of audiobooks but some of them really are better to 'hear' than 'read.' Cinder is probably one of those - and The Night Circus, too.

      Others, too, but not that I can come up with at the moment!

      Thanks for commenting.


Book Trailer Friday [@RandomHouse @TransworldBooks]

Beth Dorey-Stein's From the Corner of the Oval  - a tale of being the White House stenographer during the Obama administration will be ...
