Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

It's time for Top Ten Tuesday - this week's Top Ten is:
Top Ten Series I Haven't Finished

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

It was time I started some new memes, Top Ten Tuesday is one of them and Top Ten Series I Haven't Finished, seemed like a great time to start. I start a lot of series - but don't finish a lot of then for a multitude of reasons ;-) Some I didn't read subsequent books because the first book just didn't work for me, some I've just been too busy reading other books and really want to read them but haven't yet. Others, well, it's my own brand of logic that doesn't even quite make sense to me . . .

  1. Matched by Ally Condie I checked Crossed out from the library but it was due back before I got into it (I always have a ton of things out) and I've just never tried again. Which is odd given how much I loved Matched. I do want to now, though, with Reached coming out.
  2. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
    This one was not intentional and I just realized it looking at my 'series' shelf. I didn't buy or check Endlessly out because I'd maybe won it (I won something else) and now I haven't read it :\
  3. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
    I read Hush, Hush and it was okay but I wasn't really able to get into Crescendo. I haven't written off ever reading/finishing the series, but I think it may not be for me.
  4. Lucy Valentine series by Heather Webber Truly, Madly is the first book in this (not-very paranormal) series that I very much need to finish. It's a cute series and I need to pick up the third(?) book.
  5. Bad Day series by Sophie Littlefield
    The first book is A Bad Day for Sorry and there's really no reason other than, "But I keep meaning to," that I haven't read more of this one yet.
  6. Wings by Aprilynne Pike
    I can't figure out what, but something in this one didn't click for me when I read it. I do own Spells, so I might give it a try in the future.
  7. Triple Shot Bettys by Jody Gehrman
    I felt like such a grump for not liking Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty but I just didn't. I do want to read Babe in Boyland, though.
  8. Body Movers by Stephanie Bond
    Last I heard, what's happening with the series (if it's going to be on TV effects future books or some such) is still up in the air so this one's half procrastination, half not wanting to finish it and there be no more! Ne'er mind, I checked and it looks like I'm down an excuse!
  9. Georgina Kincaid or Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead I own at least the first three VA books and the first two or three Georgina Kincaid books and I've read Succubus Blues and Vampire Academy and liked them both very much. These have nothing at all to do with the content - except maybe saving good books? (I don't know.)
  10. Shifters series by Rachel Vincent
    This is another one where I've read Stray - pretty much when it came out - and I kind of love it . . . and I own much too much of this series (signed at that) to have read as little as I have. I tend to weirdly not always read the books I'm 99% sure I'll love . . . Apparently then if I run out of good books (?) I'll have those. 


  1. I haven't read any of these! I do, however, have Matched and the first Vampire Academy book on my shelf!

    1. They're a mix of YA and adult, old and new - some of them are kind of random ;) I think, except for the ones where it's stated, that they're worth reading.

  2. I read Matched and I wasn't a fan so I think I'll be skipping out on that one. Also, The Hush Hush series. I will not be finishing.

    I liked your list.

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday

    1. I think Matched had a mixed reaction - I liked it but weirdly haven't gotten into Crossed yet. Yeah, Hugh, Hugh was okay but Crescendo hasn't worked yet ;)

      Thank you - I'll check out your list!

  3. Usually I start a bunch of series, and I used to finish every series I started unless it totally sucked, but now I seem to only finish series I really love. Everything else gets put in my TBR pile for later. I haven't finished the Matched series either. I really enjoyed Matched, but just couldn't get into Crossed. It was just sort of bleh for me. You have to finish the Vampire Academy series though. It took me forever to start that series but once I did I ended up reading them all in like a week. Now I'm drooling over the spinoff series Bloodlines.

    1. I've gotten amazingly behind on most series lately. I used to be at least a *little* better about it but not usually up-to-date.

      I couldn't get into Crossed, either (admittedly I don't think I gave it a great try).

      I do need to get into the Vampire Academy series. I know I really enjoyed the first book when I read it...I'll try to move them up my list :)

  4. I can't say I haven't finished Paranormalcy coz I haven't even started the series! :)

    Series I haven't finished

    1. I pretty much adore that series. But then I love Buffy almost too much and somehow Evie and Kiersten White's writing remind me a bit of Buffy? Paranormalcy is the book/series that I would LOVE to see as a TV show.

  5. I need to finish the Hush, Hush series too. I keep getting the next two books out from the library, but I never have the time to get to them before they're due back. Oh, and don't feel bad about not enjoying Wings that much. I got through about a half of it and just put it down, never to return to it again. So at least you got further than me! :)

    1. I think I got the audio book of Wings? Sometimes that helps me with books I get stuck on . . . other times it helps less because then I just pay less attention :-D


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