Katherine Tegan Books
February 15, 2011
464 pages
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Ellie is having nightmares every night. Nightmares she

Now, with the appearance of 'just call me Will," a mysterious boy who seems to show up out of nowhere, Ellie's nightmares seems to be coming to life. At first she's able to convince herself the nightmares are sill just that, dreams but soon she has to face that fact that they're actually happening.
Will hasn't started appearing in her nightmares, her nightmares have become real. Will, a teen boy she feels like she already knows awakens an ancient power inside Ellie.
Ellie is more than just a wealthy teenage girl shopping for designer dresses for her seventeenth birthday party and anxiously awaiting the new car she's going to get for said birthday. The car isn't the only thing Ellie's going to get on her birthday--Will is also going to return her powers on her birthday. Powers that will awaken lifetimes of memories reminding her how she's the one powerful enough to kill the creatures lurking in the dark lately, the same ones from her nightmares. The ones that happen to be very, very real.
Angelfire has a lot of lore in it (think season five and six of Supernatural, maybe) which--for whatever reason-is making it hard for me to summarize . . .
It's really kind of great because of that, though, because it takes an average girl, a la Buffy, who enjoys being popular and spending time with her friends, throws in this mysterious, kind of enchanting supernatural-y guy with big news of 'you're not exactly average.'
Then now-not-so-average-girl has to figure out being the one girl who can fight these big nasty things with being the fun teenage girl with friends and things to do. All this while trying to learn this ins and outs of the world no one else knows exists, who's the biggest bad and how to stop them from killing her and Mr Mysterious Guy . . . who just might present romance potential.
See, kind of like Buffy in the big points. But really different when reading/watching :)
I really liked that Ellie was a fun girl who loved her pretty dresses and parties while this was a supernatural book. It might just be my reading choices but a lot of books seem to have girls that are able to fight (even with powers given to them) hate fashion or anything girly.
The evil beings having hierarchy and names, etc. reminded me of Supernatural here, but I loved it because a) I love Supernatural (hey, I do!) and b) it helped me keep some of it straight--I'm really hoping some of this is recapped in book two because I don't know if I'll remember all of it!
One aspect of the story also had me really wanting to rewatch a certain season of Angel!
While I have compared this book (or at least parts of it) to Buffy, Supernatural, and Angel, don't think that Angelfire is only a mash-up of existent paranormal TV shows put into book form. Angelfire is still very original and highly creative. In fact, if you enjoy any of those TV shows, you've lucked out because now there's a book series you'll enjoy!
Really looking forward to book 2 in this series!
(won an ARC from PitchDarkBooks on Twitter!)
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