Balzer + Bray
240 pages
June 15, 2010
The third book in Avi's Cripsin trilogy, after Cross of Lead and Edge of the World takes up pretty much right where the second book left off (and quit reading now if you'd like to avoid spoilers and read the first two books first):

With the only real goal of finding Iceland (a land Bear spoke of being ruled by no kings or lords--one that was truly free), Crispin must make his way through danger and turmoil again.
Both Cross of Lead and Edge of the World were enjoyable books that brought in bits of the relevant 14th century history without being obvious or overbearing about it; End of Time does the same. It seemed, though, that it would be easier to understand the story and the characters if you'd already read the first two books. There wasn't a lot of recapping done and sometimes places, people or events from previous books were mentioned in passing. I don't think it was necessary, however to have read them-just helpful.
I was pleased with where this last book took the characters (and where they were left at the end. It seemed to fit with the first two books and the events that had transpired over the series.
Edge of the World held the same suspense as the other Crispin books, as well. While still being appropriate for younger readers, it's still something that will be worth reading to older readers--especially those who read Cross of Lead back in 2002 when it was originally released.
These books are fast, easy, enjoyable reads that I would recommend to anyone looking for books appropriate for younger readers, too (They're for ages 10+/grades 5+).
(Thank you to the publisher fot this book--it finally got me to read this series.)
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