It's my birthday today (well tomorrow but I'm writing this yesterday so when you read this it will be today-how's
that for confusing?), so I had to make my 'Waiting on Wednesday' post extra super special...
There are actually three books today (I'm being nice to myself and not fighting my indecisiveness because I want them all equally badly):
Vintage Veronica by Erica S Perl

here's the synopsis: Veronica Walsh is 15, fashion-minded, fat, and friendless. Her summer job in the Consignment Corner section (Employees Only ) of a vintage clothing store is a dream come true. There Veronica can spend her days separating the one-of-a-kind gem garments from the Dollar-a-Pound duds, without having to deal with people. But when two outrageous yet charismatic salesgirls befriend her and urge her to spy on and follow the mysterious and awkward stock boy Veronica has nicknamed the Nail, Veronica's summer takes a turn for the weird. Suddenly, what began as a prank turns into something else entirely. Which means Veronica may have to come out of hiding and follow something even riskier for the first time: her heart.
Of all the Stupid Things by Alexandra Diaz

and here's the synopsis for that: When a rumor starts circulating that Tara’s boyfriend has been with one of the guy cheerleaders, the innuendo doesn’t just hurt Tara. It marks the beginning of the end for three lifelong friends.
Tara’s training for a marathon, but also running from her fear of abandonment from her father.
Whitney Blaire seems to have everything, but an empty mansion and absentee parents leave her looking for her own value in the wrong places.
And Pinkie has a compulsive need to mother everyone to make up for the mama she’s never stopped missing.
Then the new girl arrives in school and Tara starts to feel things she’s never felt for before for a girl. Can the girls’ friendship survive when all the rules have changed?
She actually has a post (and contest) up on Jeri Smith Ready's Blogtoberfest right now--which is great timing since I had this all bookmarked for a WoW post! Here's the
link and the contest runs through the 24th.
The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep and Never Had To by DC Pierson

and one last summary for you: When Darren Bennett meets Eric Lederer, there's an instant connection. They share a love of drawing, the bottom rung on the cruel high school social ladder, and a pathological fear of girls. Soon they're collaborating on a comic book that becomes a series of graphic novels that becomes a movie trilogy before they've actually put pen to paper. Then Eric reveals a secret: He doesn't sleep. Ever. When word leaks out about Eric's condition, he and Darren suddenly find themselves on the run from mysterious forces. Is it the government trying to tap into Eric's mind, or is there something else Eric hasn't told Darren? It could be that not sleeping is only part of what he's capable of, and the truth is both better and worse than they could ever imagine.
Vintage Veronica is out March 9, Of all the Stupid Things December 22 (2009), and The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep February 9.
Do they not all sound amazing enough to make my Birthday Edition of Waiting on Wednesday, though? And they have some pretty fantastic covers, too :D
(links to who does what about starting/running Waiting on Wedneday and the Mailbox posts are over on my sidebar always)
Happy Early birthday. Its also my niece s birthday this week, and her name is Kelsey too. LOL