My blog has a new feature--well new to you--I've been working on it for a while and just didn't actually put it on the blog until just now.... :\
Each book I review is going to have a mini-soundtrack (or that's the plan anyway!). It should be about three songs and the songs will either have to do with the plot or characters, be songs mentioned in the book, or songs that the book somehow related with for me. I'll post them at the end of the reviews.
(Deadly Little Secret and I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone will have full soundtracks because those two I made 10+ track soundtracks for for contests.)
Almost all of the books reviewed have songs decided on already and now that a graphic is made (and the transparency is working out), I'm going to be posting them onto the posts over the next few days...if a book doesn't have songs when I post the review...well I'll do my best not to do that but I'll let you know that and also let you know when the songs are added.
Maybe at some point I can do a little contest for a mix CD of some of the songs based of people choosing books or something (even if I don't have quite *all* of the songs I'm choosing).
I'm also working on figuring something out if I can do something for the YA Book Blog Carnival so I will let you know about that, I suppose tomorrow :D
Great idea! I do a soundtrack for every book I review, but I only do one song. Even that is hard for me to come up with for some books, but I have fun doing it.