Avon A
November 20, 2007
280 pages
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** may contain spoilers for Size 12 is Not Fat and Size 14 is Not Fat - Books 1 & 2 **
In Meg Cabot's third Heather Wells mystery, Heather just can't seem to escape the trouble that seems to follow her - and Death Dorm, the residence hall for New York College, where she works.
After solving, in Size 14 is Not Fat Either, the murder that left a cheerleader's head in a pot on the cafeteria's stove - and at some danger to herself - Heather hopes thinks will finally settle down. The only problem Heather wants to worry about is keeping her relationship with her professor a secret.
All of that changes, though, when her brand new and not so loved boss is found dead.
With the list of suspects including people Heather knows - and possibly even Heather herself - how can anyone expect her to stay out of this investigation?
The ending of Size 14 set up the beginning of Big Boned incredibly well. It left the idea that there might be something between Heather and the new guy in the picture, while still leaving readers hanging. Big Boned satisfies the curiosity as to what exactly happens between the two of them. And just where that leaves Cooper and Heather - and their imaginary children that Heather has already named.
It was great not only to have a new character introduced to the story (as this is the third book) who not only changed up what we get to read about and who the characters interacted with, but also threw some tension into the story. The main characters are no longer just interacting with the same people (Heather and Cooper, Heather and Magda, Heather and Pete, Heather and Tom), now there's also Heather and Tad. His presence presents questions for Heather about where things stand, how she feels about things, and where things are going - on a variety of subjects. It's nice to see things changed up a bit.
The mystery in Big Boned was quite good. There was the mystery of who the murderer was and also the mystery of where Heather's relationship was going - and where it left her relationship with Cooper.
The murder mystery had several curve balls it threw in. Gavin being a part of the story (though smaller than in the previous book) is always enjoyable - he's definitely a unique individual. While Big Boned perhaps doesn't follow the formula of a usual murder mystery but most murder mysteries don't have the romance and comedy that this series does.
The romance, comedy and mystery are all strong in this series. With a surprise - and enjoyable - in more ways than one, ending this book is a great read and will leave you thrilled that Size 12 and Ready to Rock is finally coming on the 10th!!
Rating: 8/10
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