Brooke has finally worked up her courage to tell Scott she’s in love with him. Whether it’s a good idea—or whether he knows

she exists or not—isn’t really relevant. The timing is perfect, the school year’s just ended so they’ll have the whole summer to start a relationship.
Only one thing gets in her way . . . Scott is moving from their suburban New Jersey town to New York City.
Never quite one to be rash, Brooke is taking action this time. She’s going to NYC, too, moving in with her estranged father in his New York City apartment.
When she learns Scott might already have a girlfriend, it’s up to Brooke to figure out what she’s really doing in New York—and how she’s going to deal with the facts.
At first, Brooke’s story—and Brooke herself—are a little confusing. The story lends itself to more of a young adult, post college setting when you first hear it, than a high school teenage setting.
Girl chases boy from one city to another on a lark because she fancies herself in love with him is not something you usually read a book or watch a movie about a teenager doing.
The great thing, however, is that it works. Instead So Much Closer not working because it’s about a teenager, it works that much better.
So Much Closer went from a book where I wasn’t sure if Susane Colasanti had some how misjudged her character and/or audience to one where I realised it was about a character who had misjudged herself.
While it begins as a love story—or a hoped love story, So Much Closer becomes a tale of personal discovery and friendship.
I can’t wait to read Susane Colasanti’s backlist to tide me over until her next new release. I’m so, so glad I received this advance copy through Library Thing’s Early Reviewers program!
9/10 (and it's no April Fools')
Thank you to LT's Early Reviewer's for my advance copy.
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