Thursday, December 30, 2010

Out for Blood ~ Alyxandra Harvey review

Out for Blood (Drake Chronicles #3)
Walker Books for Young Readers
December 21, 2010
304 pages
Buy/info at Amazon

Alyxandra Harvey's third Drake Chronicles book, Out for Blood, focuses on different characters than the first two books in the series (as each of them did) but still utilizes characters from those books. The main characters of this book are Hunter Wild, a student at the Helios-Ra school and Quinn, one of the Drake brothers.

Hunter is friends with Kieran Black--one of the more central characters of Hearts at Stake, the first book. Hunter, a model student, is returning for her senior year at the school that trains hunters-vampire killers. It looks like it's going to be a normal year (albeit with some vampire interaction thanks to Kieran and his relationship with the Drakes). That is until things begin happening barely a few days after the students arrive.

The school year hasn't even technically started yet and already students are mysteriously ill and the school looks to be under attack.

Hunter will have to find out who she can trust (and surprisingly that just might include a vampire) in finding out what is happening.

Out for Blood is a real treat. After Hearts at Stake and Blood Feud, I'll admit that I was expecting to enjoy it, but not nearly as much as I did. It was like thinking you're getting a chocolate chip cookie--one that you'd be completely happy with--then getting a hot fudge sundae complete with whipped cream and a cherry on top. I thought I knew what I was getting and would have loved it--but was blown away with what I got instead.

I loved Blood Feud because I love the story that Alyxandra Harvey weaves and the different characters and backgrounds she works in. I loved Hearts at Stake super much because I loved the characters, the humor, the action, and the way everything worked together.

Until now Hearts at Stake was my favorite of the series but now I think Out for Blood has taken the crown. And for one reason: Harvey's writing has reached a whole new level.

The characters in Blood were as great as in Hearts (I didn't like Isabeau and Logan quite as much), the plot was great and it was really nice to see a look inside the world of the Helios-ra, but it was all so fantastic because of the quality of the writing.

Blood was so well, well written that I am now very, very much looking forward to anything (and maybe everything) from Alyxandra Harvey. The writing of this is so fantastic that I know I can enjoy any world she crates--even one without the Drakes and the Helios-Ra and the other characters that I love so much.


Thank you to Bloomsbury for this book for review.

Also, thanks to the publisher, I have one copy to giveaway to one of you lucky readers. I really loved this book so I hope you will enter--and encourage others to do so as well.

Details: Winner must have a US mailing address (no PO Boxes) and be 13 or older. Contest ends January 10, 2011 at noon Eastern.

Fill out the form below to enter--comments won't enter you but they'd be greatly appreciated :)


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