MTV Books
March 17, 2009
256 Pages

John, the cop Meg just knows has a wife and eight kids at home waiting on him, catches Meg and a few friends on the bridge, the bridge that no one's supposed to be on because a few years ago some kids died on it. But Meg is always one to push the limits so a few rules are nothing to her.
They are to John After, though. And Meg's determined to find out just why the rules, the laws...and especially the bridge mean so much to Officer After during her little ride alongs. Annoying him is the least she can do after he took Miami away from her, after all.
I didn't really know a lot about this book when I decided to read it, just that for some reason, the main character had to ride around with a cop and then stuff happened. I don't think I've ever been happier to know so close to nothing about a book.
I love Jennifer Echols after reading this book, I think. Both Officer John After and Meg had a lot of depth to them that made it possible for so much of the book to be focused on just the two of them and the conversations between them. The side characters all brought something unique to the story and affected the outcome of different parts of the story in their own way, no one really seemed to be just filler.
In some ways it's a hard book to summarize and even review without saying every little thing that happened and how fantastic it was...What it all does boil down to is that the two main characters were so well done, deveoloped and rounded that the story just worked. I know...think Breakfast Club and the way everyone sits so much and just talks... ecause they're so different but so not, that's why the movie works, right? Well that's also why this book works.
I'll take an itty bitty bit off because the amazingness took a little while to get going (I read a few pages and then read another book or two before going back to it and really getting into it).
I don't reread books really ever, but I just might reread this one sometime.
10/10 for this one because I ♥ it
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