Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Love things chasing you mindlessly, hungering for your brain? (Or at least reviews of or giveaways for books featuring those things?)

You might want to check out the September Zombies blog, August 29 (I'm a wee bit late with my post) until September 6 will be a week full of celebrating the zombie books of '09, with an emphasis on Never Slow Dance with a Zombie.

Now, while I very much need (and want!) to read Slow Dance, the only 2009 zombie book I've been lucky enough to read yet is You Are So Undead to Me.

In the interest of celebrating zombielicious books as much as I can (without having read too many) here's a link to my You Are So Undead to Me review and my review of an '08 now out in paperback, Zombie Blondes.

If I read any zombie books before the 6th (or more likely the 4th since I'm out of town this weekend), I'll do my darndest to get a review up! ;)

Until then, though...here are some recent brain eating, blood dripping, zombierific books...

Never Slow Dance with a Zombie ~ E Van Lowe
Zombie Queen of Newberry High ~ Amanda Ashby
Forest of Hands & Teeth ~ Carrie Ryan
Razor Girl ~ Mari Mancusi
Generation Dead ~ Daniel Waters

Kiss of Life (Generation Dead #2) ~ Daniel Waters
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies ~ Jane Austen

and maybe Jennifer's Body by Audrey Nixon (and screenplay by Diablo Cody)..if people will count that, I can probably get a review up


  1. super! welcome to zombie week. thanks for joining in the zombie madness!

  2. @Marie
    I really, *really* need to finish that book...no idea why I stopped

    @vvb32 reads
    Thanks for having the fun challange! I'll have to remember to leave my link(s)


Book Trailer Friday [@RandomHouse @TransworldBooks]

Beth Dorey-Stein's From the Corner of the Oval  - a tale of being the White House stenographer during the Obama administration will be ...
