Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I might not post reviews or anything for a while...My doggy baby died and I'm just going to hang out with my puppy (who's not really eating yet).
So here's to my baby girl who lived in my house for exactly 12 1/2 years (April 6, 1996-October 6, 2008 +2 days at the vet)

It's an old picture, but one of my favorites because you can see how much my puppy girl loves her and how sweet she is...even if she is stealing the ball for herself (which she kept up for the next two years, thankyouverymuch.)


  1. I tear up whenever I hear about dogs passing or even just being sick. It is terrifying when you don't know what is wrong or what the right thing to do is.

    My angel boy is 13 years old and every day I worry.

    I know it must horribly quiet and empty without your girl, but be strong for your sweet puppy or she'll pick up on your grief.

    BIG HUGZ!!!

  2. Sending good thoughts your way...and I hope your puppy is eating again. It's so sad to lose a pet. We'll be thinking about you!


Book Trailer Friday [@RandomHouse @TransworldBooks]

Beth Dorey-Stein's From the Corner of the Oval  - a tale of being the White House stenographer during the Obama administration will be ...
