Harlequin Teen
February 26, 2013
384 pages
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(( contains spoilers for ending of Goddess Interrupted - Goddess Test #2 ))
The end of Aimee Carter's second Goddess Test series book, Goddess Interrupted left readers on a serious cliffhanger: Kate was pregnant and kidnapped by Calliope.
At the start of The Goddess Inheritance, the conclusion to the series, it's nearly nine months later and Kate has survived her captivity -- but it's time for her to give birth. She may be alright, even following months of unwilling cohabitation with Calliope and Cronus, but what now?
Calliope, Queen of the Gods, wants Kate's baby and there's nothing Kate can do to stop her . . . until the Titan steps in. His deal isn't one Kate takes happily but she has no other choice. In exchange for Kate, he won't allow Calliope to hurt the baby.
It's not ideal and doesn't stop the brewing war between the Titan and the council, who he'll still kill. Yet, without Kate's agreement Cronus promises to destroy humanity . . . and then the council.
Is there any way to truly win against Cronus or does Kate risk losing it all?
It took a little while to get into The Goddess Inheritance. The beginning does set up that Kate is a) pregnant and b) being held somewhere against her will very quickly and quite well. It isn't a recap but it helps readers to, right away, remember where Book 2 ended. After that, however, it feels like things go back and forth, the plot not exactly going anywhere for a while.
It's hard to know why certain characters haven't done things before the nine months elapsed, Kate's decisions -- and the thought process behind them -- jumps around a lot. She seems to go from thinking one thing, to thinking almost the opposite, then back to the first thing, then back to the second, then repeating a few more times. It felt like something bigger or more needed to happen.
Past about half way, once all of the characters are back and we know who's who again, once the plot is really set up and everything has really been established, things do get moving quite a bit more. The other two books in the series, do feel like they have more action in them and this one continues to feel like there's more back and forth (as opposed to forward) movement, especially in smaller pieces. As a whole, there are big things that happen. There are also times that need the characters unsure of their decisions, for that big battle charge not to happen just then or for things to even be almost frustrating. It comes together in the end.
This is definitely a conclusion book. Reading the previous two will definitely help with the plot so far and knowing who different characters are, especially in their relationships to each other. There's basic recap there, over the course of the entire novel, that's more to help those who've read the previous parts of the series and won't completely fill in anyone new to it.
The Goddess Inheritance may not be my favorite installment in this series but I really liked how everything was concluded. Those things that needed to be brought to a close, were and there some nice (new) parts included as well. We learn more about Kate, our central character and it's really great to see the parts of her that have grown and changed, but also those that have stayed true.
(I do still kind of wish there was a 'Guide to the Gods/Goddesses' or something in these books -- it's hard to remember all of them and who they are/what they do from one book to the next.)
Rating: 8/10
digital galley received through NetGalley, thanks to the publisher
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